Writing Online In Two Syllables Or Less

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Have you noticed the athletes who genuflect before they step up to bat or who, right after they make a touchdown, take a knee and bow as if they are praying? Is it possible that this, for some, is just a show? I sm66 do.

"Shawty" is a perfect song to play in the background during the freaky sex scenes in the average bootleg, 'hood porno flick! It's not exactly the kind of song that a newlywed couple puts on to set a romantic mood on their wedding night. The song is made for the late night booty call. As you can tell from the above excerpt, the lyrics are explicit and not appropriate for the ears of junior high school kids. Of course, let's not fool ourselves, junior high school kids are likely Plies' biggest fans!

At least till she found her computer stuck on a porn site. Imagine trying to explain bondage and the other fetishes to your preteen little girl. If this wasn't bad enough, it was a viral site. It locked her computer to the site and would not let go. She ended up not only with a traumatized girl, but she lost her computer as well. It took her about a week before finding out that her computer was trashed and that the site had hacked her personnel info. I found out through a nice add that was sent from her computer to all her email contacts for pills to enlarge a certain part of the mail body. When I called her to ask why she thought I needed these pills, she filled me in on what happened.

Remember, Shhhhh! it's a secret ballot; they will never know unless you tell them, just make it count and make it meaningful. However, most importantly make up your own mind; don't let someone make it up for you.

If you have an email account, you most likely have received it without asking - Spam. It is unwanted email assaulting your Inbox. It promotes things like porn websites, cheap Viagra, credit repair and get-rich-quick schemes. It can maybe become the one unifying factor for the planet - no one wants it. So why are there spammers and what is their impact?